Plot 6

On May 22nd 2024 the Vegan Land Movement CIC won a sixth area of land at an auction and this has now been removed permanently from animal agriculture. 

This 6th area of land comprises a single block of pasture grazing land. The land is classified as Grade II by the DEFRA Land Classification Map. The land to date has been utilised for animal agricultural purposes. 

When this area of land came to the attention of the VLM there was less than one week to fundraise for the amount needed to enter the auction. Luckily, we had already raised two thirds on the buyout 6 generic fundraiser. The day before the auction the target was met and over 11 acres has now been removed from animal agriculture. 

Plot 6 - land 1
Plot 6 - land 2
Plot 6 - land 3
Plot 6 - land 4

This is a wonderful plot of land and the largest area of land the VLM has removed from animal farming so far. It will become another future woodland and haven for wildlife and biodiversity. 

Thank you to all who donated to this last fundraiser and to all the many VLM subscribers who have collectively removed this land from animal farming, to now return it back to wild animals and biodiversity.

Plot 6
Plot 6

Native Tree Planting

In the late autumn the Vegan Land Movement volunteers will plant a selection of native saplings to help this area of land recover and become a future mixed habitat woodland.

We will update this section when these native species are planted.

Species Counts

The first baseline species survey for this plot took place in July 2024, you can read the exciting results below.