Photo by Lviv Oblast on Unsplash
Removing land from animal agriculture and giving it back to endangered species and the earth.
The Vegan Land Movement CIC (VLM) is a collective of like-minded vegans who work together as a holistic movement to provide solutions that will effect a change in cruel exploitative farming practices, conservation and land use, based on vegan principles.

The VLM has been created for ALL OF US who want to help create a vegan world by removing land from those who harm life and to return it to wildlife that desperately needs habitat to survive.
The land used to farm sentient animals causes great suffering, as well as ecological destruction and species extinction.
Photo by Pieter Van Noorden on Unsplash
The VLM’s main objective is the removal of land from animal agriculture and its return to biodiversity and critically endangered wild species. Our focus is vegan, compassionate conservation with a sensitivity and awareness of complex ecological systems, adopting a strict code of non-violence to all species and working with nature rather than against it.
The VLM aims to bring people together, to work and solve the mounting problems we, the earth and all lifeforms face. It is a completely altruistic vision dedicated to enabling a move away from all practices that damage any part of the biosphere and exploitation of any non-human animal species, wild spaces, biodiversity and habitat.
VLM is dedicated to…
…facilitating the end of harmful animal farming practices and consumption patterns that exploit nonhuman life, lay waste to ecologically rich habitats, damage our climate and make the world a far less hospitable place for all animals, including us.
The solution the VLM offers is a new way of thinking and ‘’doing’’. The VLM embodies a reverence for life, all life; from this precept the VLM aims to transform and heal land previously used to farm animals to create sanctuaries for wildlife with an abundance of life and biodiversity.
What is a CIC?
80 billion land animals are farmed, exploited and brutally killed every single year.
Land, biodiversity and wild species have been destroyed due to animal farming. Animal farming takes up nearly 80% of global agricultural land either as land for grazing or land to grow animal feed. -
1 in 6 species are at risk of going extinct in the UK. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. -
As the world heats and the earth systems unravel, we are faced with the biggest existential threat our earth and species have ever faced.
There is only 1 solution... Stop exploiting life on earth. For the earth to rebalance we must give the land back.
Dairy photo by Jo Anne Mcarthur & Harvest Mice photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
State of Nature 2023
So much land is used to rear farmed animals for their flesh and milk. Forests and wild ecosystems were cleared to do this, resulting in monoculture grazing systems and monoculture grain production to supplement the feed for these farmed animals, creating an ecological desert.

Photo by Bill Boaden via Wikimedia Commons
Join the Vegan Land Movement to help create a vegan world acre by acre
Areas of land already given back to earth
See the wildlife that has already made VLM land their homes
Photo by Alexis Lours via Wikimedia Commons
We envision a more compassionate and sustainable future where we exist in harmony with all of nature